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UX Research Consultancy

Successful digital services are centred around understanding the changing needs and requirements of your target audience of users. 

Let us help.

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UX Research & Consultancy

With years of specialist professional user research experience, Lucellum combine user insights and professional skills to take your online services to the next level.


Proud to help shape and improve clients' products and services.

Our services include:


Discovery research

Delivering evidence-based product direction

Are you solving the right problems for your users? Gathering qualitative insights to explore user needs and problems will  help discover the best digital service design direction. This prevents organisations wasting money developing the wrong things.

Agile/Lean research

The right insight at the right time

Working with Agile teams, Lucellum delivers the research activities and insights needed to fit your software development team's cycle. 

What you need to know, when you need to know it!

People Walking

'JobsToBeDone' framework

from personas through to tasks

What are the reasons people really using your products and services for? What are the triggers that push them your way or put them off?


Know this and it forms a great foundation for design decisions. We find this really resonates with engineering teams and helps them to empathise with users.

Service Design

Understand the context, user journey & remove friction

Online and offline services needs to work in harmony with each other. Research will identify potential friction points and help build a service that works in both online and offline contexts.

Working Over Coffee

Qualitative Research

Understanding through insight

To gain in-depth understanding of what users need, research methods are tailored to suit the user audience and organisation's research objective and giving the opportunity to qualitatively explore your users' world.

Design Sprints

Embed user needs from the beginning

Providing user research insights and working through with project teams in design sprints ensure it really is User Centred Design

Discussing the Numbers

Quantitative survey

Tap into your user audience online

Surveying users or potential users can provide excellent empiricial data to help guide product decision making.  We user researchers love data in all it's forms!

Usability Testing & Prototype Evaluation

Reduce risk

Taking a low-fi prototype out to users is the best way of starting out development to ensure it aligns with user needs. Research, learn, apply - iterative testing reduces risk.

Man Hands On Keyboard
Nurturing Growth

UX training & workshops

Expert Guidance

We love to support the growth and development of UX'ers. Let us help with powering up the skills of your UX team. 

Maybe you need some help with running stakeholder workshops to gain traction. Or an insight workshop going through user insights. It's all possible.

Does your company need UX research?
Message us today.

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Contact Us

Need some help with understanding users and building online services?


Why not get in touch on the email below -  or contact me on LinkedIn by simply clicking on the 'in' logo below.

Hope to connect with you soon


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